Welcome to "The Resistance"

6th Grade through 8th Grade     &      9th Grade through 12th Grade

Contact Nathan @

Jr. High: 6th - 8th Grade

Every Wednesday night @ 7pm our Jr. High students come together to worship, learn from the Word, have a great time together, and of course, EAT! Nathan, our Youth minister, and a great volunteer crew, work together to bring Jesus to the kids in a way that they can understand and how to live out their faith.

Sr. High: 9th - 12th Grade

Our Sr. High youth group meets every Sunday night @ 7pm. Our Sr. High youth group looks a lot like the Jr. High group but digs deeper into what living out your faith in today's world looks like for Christians. Our Sr. High group also does a lot of mission work through out the year. In fact. In fact, in the summer of 2025 our Sr. High youth group will be taking a mission trip to Tennessee to work on housing for the people of Appalachia. Nathan and his crew make every meeting worthwhile, and different.