The Elders & staff @ Journey Christian Church are glad that you have taken some time to check out our church, what we believe, and how we do things around here.
Below, our lead minister, Kirk Zimmerman has shared a welcome message telling a little bit about the story and history of JCC, what we pray the future holds for our church and how God has guided us over the course of the past few years. Watch an online service, visit us on a Sunday morning, and if you don't have a church home we pray you will become part of our church family.

Watch The Journey Of Journey Christian Church

In 2017 we began the journey to building a brand new worship space on a larger area of land. On Sunday, October 9th we had our ground breaking ceremony. On Sunday, December 15th 2024 we opened the doors to Journey Christian Church. Below is a video of our Journey. Check out our YouTube page for all of our building timeline videos.

A Message From Kirk Zimmerman, Lead Minister, JCC

Welcome! We are so glad you found us. Several years ago, as we were talking about our church, we began thinking about what name we would call ourselves if we changed it. What we landed on is certainly not unique – Journey Christian Church – there are many others. But we find it to be powerful because of the continued metaphor in Scripture of walking with God. You were made to be on a journey with Him. Jesus walked his path from life, death, crucifixion, to resurrection so that you might find new life as well. The Holy Spirit comes into your life and empowers you when you decide to let Jesus lead you. It is an adventure! It is demanding, it is difficult, and it is so full of purpose. We exist as a church to help fuel your faith for life. We want you to cross the finish line of your life now full of the faith, and hope, and love that God provides, trusting that eternal life is being fulfilled. What a journey. We hope we can assist you in that journey. And we are praying that it will lead you all the way home to Him.