Serving @ Journey Christian Church

Learn More About Our CONNECT Teams Below. Choose A CONNECT Team That's The Best Fit For You And Contact Us Today. It's A Great Way To Give Back To Our Church Family. Journey Christian Church Exists to lead people to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ

Our CONNECT Team Mission

To be intentional about making guests and those who call Journey Christian Church home feel like family. To leave a great first impression so that our guests return for the 2nd and 3rd time and return as regular attenders.


To be intentional about making guests and those who call Journey Christian Church home feel like family. To leave a great first impression so that our guests return for the 2nd and 3rd time and return as regular attenders.


Welcome Center Team- – Intentionally welcome visitors & assist with information

Fellowship Team – Preparing and Serving beverages and snacks

Greeter Team- Friendly face as people arrive & handing out bulletins

Parking Team – Assisting people parking and entering the church

Kids Check-in Team- Get our kids and young families connected

Children’s Ministry Teaching Team- Teaching in our various age group classes

Welcome Center Team

Make our guests feel welcome and like family by greeting them, directing them and assisting them with any questions they may have. Create a comfortable environment for guests by welcoming them and offering assistance in helping them get to know JCC. The Welcome “Center” is the first step in getting to know about JCC and what we offer. Think of the Welcome Center as the HUB of the church.

Fellowship Team

You make our guests feel like family by providing comforting refreshments. By providing coffee and other refreshments it not only provides a family feeling that is welcoming but can relieve the stress of someone who is showing up for the first time. This team is made for out-going persons with the gift of “hospitality”. When people meet the fellowship team at JCC, your friendly interaction goes a long way towards making people feel welcome.

Greeter Team

Create a comfortable environment for guests by welcoming them and offering assistance to make engaging in the service both easy and distraction-free.

Parking Team

The primary function of the Parking Team is to greet drivers, manage the flow of traffic, and help people find a parking spot as needed. Extend a warm, friendly greeting and create the first impression guests will have of our church. Protect the safety of our pedestrians by stopping traffic for crosswalks. Be available to assist those with special needs. You are the first face that people will see when they come on our campus.

Kids Check-in Team:

Making our young parents and their kids feel welcomed and comfortable as they send their young children to Journey Kids Church.

Kids Ministry Team

We invite you to be a part of a ministry team that teaches the Bible in creative, energetic, and practical ways to the next generation of Christians. Our team is awesome, but we are always looking to expand and add new people with their own spiritual gifts to share with the kids. We have so many opportunities for you to share with kids from newborn to high school.