What to Expect
Our Sunday services are at 9am & 10:30am. Both services are identical with about 20 minutes between each. That “in between time”, we like to call CONNECT, is for our two services to come together and enjoy a beverage, get to know each other and give everyone a chance to catch up with friends old and new. Grab yourself a cup of coffee or other beverage, pick up the kids from the Journey Kids church and take a few minutes to chat with others. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Arrival Time
Come a few minutes before the service starts. This will give you some time to get the kids registered for Journey Kids Church and for you to grab a cup of coffee or other beverage... Plus its a great time to CONNECT with others. We believe that Fellowship with believers is another kind of worship.
What to Wear
Come relaxed or dress up. Most of us come in jeans and pull over shirt, or business casual. We don't have a dress policy...we're just happy to see you.
Worship Style
We are blessed to have a worship band who leads us in worship each week. They point us to God and help bring us to a place of worship. Our band puts the words in our mouths that we use to worship God the rest of the week.
Teaching Style
We are a Bible believing church. We believe in one God in three persons. Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We believe in the inerrancy of scripture, That Christ was born of a virgin, lead a perfect life, was crucified, died, arose to take away our sins and through the Holy Spirit leads our church now.